This website didn't come as easy as one may think. Etsy provided me a space for my shop, Bloom And Anchor, for over 5 years. That part of me behind, I was left with a big bag of mixed feelings, one of which was a huge urge to finally launch my own website I talked so much about in the past.
I've never owned a website, let alone designed one, so it being a giant learning curve is an understatement. As I was trying to figure out where to start, I came across an article that was titled 'how to set up your website in under an hour'. I dove right in... 3 weeks later I was still on Step 3 out of 20... But, I powered through the hours of hair-pulling and with a little outside help, here I am, getting ready to launch it. Such a wonderful feeling!
As with any creation, the product needs to be broken in and tested to make sure it's working properly, so please bear with me these next few weeks... and don't hesitate to reach out with questions or comments.
My hope for this blog space is to provide inspiration while sharing little moments of joy and happiness along the way.
Hope to see you back here again soon!